Wednesday, July 31, 2-3:30 PM
Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201 ABC
Advancing the Next Generation of Animal Models for Precision Medicine Research on Alzheimer’s Disease
Chairs: Bruce Lamb & Suzana Petanceska

FRS # 86529 – Molecular and synaptic signatures in mouse models of late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease independent of amyloid and tau pathology presented by Adrian Oblak
FRS # 86533 – Molecular characterization of knock-in mouse models harboring genetic risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease presented by Greg Carter
FRS # 86531 – MODEL-AD Pre-Clinical Testing Core: A precision medicine pipeline for preclinical testing of Alzheimer’s Disease therapeutic candidates presented by Paul Territo
FRS # 87010 – Harbingers of disease: Decoding shared multi-omic changes in human and mouse models of Alzheimer’s Disease presented by Vivek Swarup
FRS # 87013 – Exploring protective alleles in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease using mouse models presented by Kim Green


Date: Sunday, July 28
Time: 8 AM – 4:15 PM
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Session: Basic Science and Pathogenesis – Genetics

Poster # 86723
Single-cell spatial transcriptomic and proteomic characterization of a novel mouse model of late-onset AD
Kwang et al

Poster # 91334
The Role of diet x gene interaction in LOAD2.Plcg2M28L mice
Rangel-Barajas et al

Poster # 91348
LOAD1 and LOAD2: Longitudinal characterization of mouse models carrying human-relevant risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Bernabe et al

Poster # 91431
Characterization of the A1527G variant of ABCA7 in an animal model for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Bernabe et al

Poster # 91903
Differential effects of Apoe Christchurch (R136S) mutation on amyloid plaque and tau pathology in transgenic mouse models
Tran et al

Poster # 92553
Examining additive risk for cerebrovascular dysfunction in a novel late-onset Alzheimer’s disease model
Reagan et al

Poster # 92579
Phenotypic characterization of a novel hAB-KIloxP; hAPOE4;Trem2R47H_NSS mouse model
Gomez-Arboledas et al

Poster #93491
Microglial and neuronal subpopulations associated with cognitive resilience to amyloid deposition in genetically diverse mice
Uyar et al

Date: Monday, July 29
Time: 8 AM – 4:15 PM
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Session: Basic Science and Pathogenesis – Genetics

Poster # 90451
Phenotypic characterization of a novel Spi1*rs1377416 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Milinkeviciute et al

Poster # 91290
Contributions of heavy metal exposure to late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease
Kotredes et al

Poster # 91329
Prioritization of polygenic combinations for LOAD mouse models from ensemble machine learning on cross-species transcriptomic signatures
Cary et al

Poster # 93048
Fit for purpose high-throughput absolute quantitation of chimeric aducanumab in mouse cortex and plasma
Doud et al

Poster Number: Monday-3
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Glial Ballet
Onos et al

Date: Tuesday, July 30
Time: 8 AM
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Session # 3-8-LPR
Session Title: Basic Science and Pathogenesis LPR: From human genetics to model systems and back in ADRD.

Lightning Round Presentation by Claire Butler
5xFAD/Abi3S209F mice display distinct age-dependent effects on amyloid beta pathology and microglia dynamics

Date: Tuesday, July 30
Time: 8 AM – 4:15 PM
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Session: Basic Science and Pathogenesis – Genetics

Poster # 89879
5xFAD/Abi3S209F mice display distinct age-dependent effects on amyloid beta pathology and microglia dynamics
Butler et al

Poster # 90967
The klotho F/C AD risk haplotype drives distinct phenotypes in a novel mouse model
Sasner et al

Poster # 91446
Identifying genetic risk factors driving cerebral amyloid angiopathy using novel mouse models
Marola et al

Poster # 87565
Distinct mouse models correspond to distinct AD molecular subtypes
Pandey et al

Date: Wednesday, July 31
Time: 8 AM – 4:15 PM
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Session: Biomarkers (non-neuroimaging)

Poster # 90850
A novel whole-brain imaging pipeline for amyloid-beta plaque integrated with downstream iterative immunolabeling in pre-clinical Alzheimer’s Disease animal models
Sasner et al

Date: Wednesday, July 31
Time: 8 AM – 4:15 PM
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Session: Basic Science and Pathogenesis – Genetics

Poster # 93301
Aging x Environment x genetic risk for late onset Alzheimer’s disease results in alterations in cognitive function in mice independent of amyloid and tau pathology
Williams et al

Poster # 90912
Alzheimer’s disease multiomic signatures mediated by Cholesterol Ester Transfer Protein
Abel et al

Poster # 85676
Single-nucleus multi-ome profiling of epigenomic modifications and transcriptome characterization of heterogeneity in early and late-stage Alzheimer’s disease
Shi et al

Poster # 89449
Defining the role of perineuronal nets in Alzheimer’s disease pathology
Barahona et al