Title: Microbiome and metabolome analysis of late onset Alzheimer’s disease mouse models
Presenting author: Katrine Whiteson
Session type: Symposium
Session Title: What does the microbiome tell us about prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)/Alzheimer’s disease related dementias (ADRD)
Session date and time: Monday, 10/7/2024 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Session location: MCP Room S100BC

Session Number: NANO45
Session Title: Glial Regulation of Neurodegeneration: Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease
Session Day and Time: Tuesday, 10/8/2024 1:00:00 PM- 10/8/2024 4:15:00 PM
Abstract Control Number: 11368
Poster Title: Utilizing next generation mouse models to uncover mechanisms of complement-mediated synapse loss in Alzheimer’s disease
Howell et al


Session Number: PSTR061
Session Title: Alzheimer’s Disease: Abeta Pathway
Session Day and Time: Sunday, 10/6/2024 8:00:00 AM-12:00:00 PM
Poster #5646
Poster Title: Quantification of progression of amyloid deposition and cerebral amyloid angiopathy in novel mouse models of familial Alzheimer’s disease
Garceau et al

Session Number: PSTR061
Session Title: Alzheimer’s Disease: Abeta Pathway
Session Day and Time: Sunday, 10/6/2024 8:00:00 AM-12:00:00 PM
Poster #7206 / B135
Poster Title: Characterization of the APP SAA mouse as a useful model for preclinical testing for Alzheimer’s disease
Sasner et al

Session Number: PSTR155
Session Title: Tau: In Vivo Models
Session Day and Time: Monday, 10/7/2024 8:00:00 AM-12:00:00 PM
Poster #7206
Poster Title: Deciphering Tau Pathology: A Comparative Study of Humanized Tau Mouse Models in Late Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
Oblak et al

Session Number: PSTR209
Presentation number: PSTR209.15
Session Title: Alzheimer’s disease: ApoE and Associated Pathways.
Session Day and Time: Monday, October 7th, 2024. 3-4 pm
Abstract Control Number: 6933
Poster Title: Phenotypic characterization of a novel hAb-KI loxP; hAPOE4 mouse model
Gomez-Arboledas et al

Session Number: PSTR233
Session Title: Brain-Body Interactions Regulating Inflammatory Signaling
Session Day and Time: Mon., Oct. 7, 2024. 3 – 4 p.m.
Poster Number: K29
Poster Title: Impact of a High-Fat Diet on Neurodegenerative Disease Progression in the LOAD2.Plcg2M28L Mice: A Multi-Modal Analysis
Rangel-Barajas et al